Archive for the ‘Folk Fest’ Category

Folk dance from 12 countries, including Kazakhstan at Sabah International Folklore Festival

22 август, 2007

Folk dance from 12 countries, including Kazakhstan at Sabah International Folklore Festival
KOTA KINABALU. August 22. KAZINFORM. The folk dances of 12 countries including Malaysia are among the attractions at the week-long Sabah International Folklore Festival to be held here beginning Sept 2.

Sabah Culture Board chairman Datuk Wilfred Madius Tangau said Poland, Saudi Arabia, India, Russia, Brunei, Singapore, Thailand, Kazakhstan, Latvia, China and Japan had confirmed their participation in the biennial festival.

Malaysia would be represented by the Sabah Culture Board and the Melaka Culture and Arts Department’s Arts Club, he told Bernama here today, Kazinform refers to Bernama.

Tangau, who is also the organising chairman, said the festival was aimed, among others, at promoting universal understanding and brotherhood through culture, giving exposure to traditional dances and selling Malaysia as a destination for cultural tourism.

Tickets to the premier performance on Sept 5 and folk dance competition on Sept 6 and 7 can be purchased at the Wisma Budaya building, the Penampang Cultural Centre, Sabah Tourism Authority Office, Sri Pelancongan, Sabah Culture and Arts Department and Kota Kinabalu branch of Tourism Malaysia.

Looooooooooooook our Folk Fest Pictures

13 август, 2007

Share our folkXplorer pictures between participants.

Looooooooooooooooooooook at  out Flickr site

‘Dancing makes me happy’

7 август, 2007


IT’S A hot, humid afternoon in West London, and

Diana Payne-Myers

is reminiscing. Every available shelf and wall space in her living room is covered with theatrical memorabilia, each one with a story attached. Suddenly, the clouds unleash a torrent of rain and Payne-Myers jumps to her feet. „My washing,“ she cries, climbing on to a table and leaping out of the window, on to a small roof terrace. Moments later she reappears, clutching an armful of laundry, and hops nimbly back into the room. None of which would be remotely exceptional, but for the fact that Payne-Myers will be 80 next March.

There aren’t many octogenarians who can boast the agility of a cat – but then Payne-Myers is unique in many ways. As a dancer and actress, she has had a career spanning 60 years, and it’s not over yet. About to make her Edinburgh Fringe debut in Muscular Memory Lane, a duet with choreographer, Matthew Hawkins, Payne-Myers has scant regard for the word „retirement“. „People assume I’ve retired,“ she says. „But once a dancer, always a dancer. Just like a painter or singer, you’ll always paint or sing and keep creating.“

As she runs through her mental book of memories, peppering each chapter with vivid images, it’s clear that Payne-Myers has led an extraordinary life. Born in Darlington in 1928 to Scottish parents (a surgeon father from Stornoway and teacher mother from Ayrshire) Payne-Myers started dancing aged six. „My ballet teacher would give lessons to the young Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret during the week, then teach us at the weekend,“ she recalls. „I remember being quite proud of that.“

Growing up during the Second World War, a career in dancing seemed impossible, so Payne-Myers headed for secretarial college. But a move to London turned her head sufficiently. „We went dancing in nightclubs every night, and it was such fun that I thought there must be more to life than being a secretary,“ she says. „Then I met a girl who danced with Rambert and she told me that, at 20, I wasn’t too old to become a dancer.“ Accepted into both the Rambert school and company, Payne-Myers embarked on a diverse career that would encompass ballet, contemporary dance, performance art and West End musicals.

In the 1950s she was a jazz dancer on the ITV programme, Cool for Cats – a predecessor to Top of the Pops. She also spent three weeks at the Pavilion in Glasgow, performing alongside Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis. More recently, she has performed with English National Opera and DV8. Nothing, it would seem, fazes this exceptional lady – as DV8’s 2003 show, Living Costs, at Tate Modern ably proved.

Asked by DV8 director, Lloyd Newson, to sit naked in the gallery next to a sign saying „please touch“, Payne-Myers didn’t bat an eyelid – literally. „I had to sit completely still,“ she says. „People touched me if they wanted to, and each touch and caress was so respectful. But then one night, a young man stuck his finger up my nose, which I thought was horrible – but I remained still.“

Given her propensity to move almost constantly, it’s hard to imagine Payne-Myers in a state of stillness. Throughout our time together, she never stops – jumping up to perform a graceful ballet move or dig out an old theatre programme – often with a cigarette in her hand. Like many dancers, Payne-Myers has smoked all her life, with seemingly no repercussions. Sadly, her husband’s constitution was less strong. Her marriage to writer Peter Myers (the man behind Cliff Richard’s 1960s films, The Young Ones and Summer Holiday) ended in 1978, when he died of diabetes, aged 55.

Payne-Myers has never remarried, ploughing her efforts into her career and two children – one of whom was responsible for her return to the stage after a long absence.

„My son became a dancer and was right in the middle of the dance world,“ she says. „So I was back meeting friends I hadn’t seen for years, and being asked to do things. I became accepted by a different generation, and because I was healthy and loved dancing I’ve continued doing it. Dancing is good for me, it makes me happy.“

Her Fringe show with Hawkins was devised for exactly that purpose – to keep her in good mental health. Muscular Memory Lane uses Hawkins’s special choreographic style, which helps keep the mind focused. „Diana was interested in what this project would do for her mind, in terms of stitching it together a bit,“ explains Hawkins. „She feels as if she’s going a bit batty – but aren’t we all? The choreographic methods I use trigger memory and help with areas of cognition which dancers are in touch with, because they need to remember combinations.“

For Payne-Myers, attending ballet class each morning, and involving herself in one interesting project after another, has clearly kept her young. As for those who choose to work with her, the appeal is obvious. „She’s just a very enthused and super-charged person with a great deal of effervescence,“ says Hawkins. „And that’s why any choreographer at any time would be delighted to have her in their ensemble, because it’s great to have somebody who is a bundle of energy.“

• Muscular Memory Lane in Dance Base presents… TIMELESS is at Dance Base, 8-18 August.

This article:

Edinburgh Festival Fringe:

Web links:

Edinburgh Festival Fringe

Before Openning Imressions: 1

5 август, 2007

Preparing to Open Ceremony

Maria’s beforing openning impressions…

Varna, August 5th, 2007; 1 p. m.

ПОСЛАНИЕ към Фолк Фест Варна

3 август, 2007

текст: Е. Виденова

Здравей, непознати приятелю!


Виждам как играе учуденото пламъче в очите ти, защото те наричам “приятелю”, а пък ти дори не ме познаваш. Не, не греша и нито ти, нито аз сме тук случайно, защото ПРИЯТЕЛСТВОТО не отива на случайни места и при случайни хора. То е специално и се случва по специална рецепта. Ние, децата от Варна – най-красивият морски град на гостоприемната страна България, знаем тази рецепта и ти я подаряваме! За да усетиш как нашето ПРИЯТЕЛСТВОТО ще си намери дом в сърцето ти! Слушай и запомни:



Нужни са две протегнати ръце с десет пръстчета ДОВЕРИЕ, две очи ТОПЛИНА, една усмивка ИСКРЕНОСТ, едно сърце ДОБРОТА и няколко нотки от песен – за разкош! Всичко това трябва да престои поне една нощ в душата ти и когато сутринта палавите слънчеви лъчи те пробудят, ще разбереш – ПРИЯТЕЛСТВОТО вече живее в сърцето ти и е готово за раздаване! Не го пести – ДА БЪДЕМ ПРИЯТЕЛИ!

Докладът на Мария Дражева е публикуван в Интернет

3 август, 2007

Челна стр

Слайд 31

Слайд 32

Слайд 35

10 държави участват във фолклорния фестивал във Варна

3 август, 2007

Участници от 10 държави ще се представят на 16-тия фолклорен фестивал във Варна, който е под патронажа на вицепрезидента Ангел Марин.Музикалният форум ще бъде от 5 до 9 август, съобщи днес Жасмина Станчева, експерт в общинската дирекция „Култура“ и организатор на феста. Стартът ще бъде поставен с традиционното дефиле на всички участници от центъра на Варна до Летния театър.

В рамките на феста зрителите ще имат възможност да видят състави от Армения, Гърция, Германия, Португалия, Румъния, Турция, Грузия, Македония. За пръв път ще се представи и ансамбъл от Венецуела. Сред българските участници ще бъде и ансамбъл „Филип Кутев„.

Освен в Летния театър гостите ще изнасят концерти на специални сцени в районите „Владислав Варненчик“ и „Аспарухово„.

Част от съставите ще се представят и в Шумен. В рамките на феста е предвидена и конфенеция на тема „Традиционната култура и фолклор в условията на глобализма“.

Доцент Георг Краев от Нов български университет и Мария Дражева от Асоциацията за БМТФ са поканени лектрори на конференцията.

WOMAD or World of Music, Arts and Dance

3 август, 2007

WOMAD stands for World of Music, Arts and Dance, expressing the central aim of the WOMAD festival – to bring together and to celebrate many forms of music, arts and dance drawn from countries and cultures all over the world.

WOMAD was originally inspired by Peter Gabriel: „Pure enthusiasm for music from around the world led us to the idea of WOMAD in 1980 and thus to the first WOMAD festival in 1982. The festivals have always been wonderful and unique occasions and have succeeded in introducing an international audience to many talented artists.

„Equally important, the festivals have also allowed many different audiences to gain an insight into cultures other than their own through the enjoyment of music. Music is a universal language, it draws people together and proves, as well as anything, the stupidity of racism.“

As an organisation, WOMAD now works in many different ways, but our aims are always the same – at festivals, performance events, through recorded releases and through educational projects, we aim to excite, to inform, and to create awareness of the worth and potential of a multicultural society.

The WOMAD Festivals

Since the first festival in Shepton Mallett, England in 1982, WOMAD has presented more than 160 events in 27 different countries and islands.

Having established its presence in the UK, WOMAD‘s unique nomadic indentity evolved gradually during the eighties. In 1988, the festival began to be presented internationally, with initial events in Denmark and Canada. Since then, WOMAD‘s worldwide profile has grown quickly, now embracing events in Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, the Canary Islands, Sicily and the UK each year.

The festivals are often weekend-long, family-oriented, active and diverse musical events, featuring simultaneous performances on two or three stages, including participatory workshops and special events for children, as well as music and dance sessions hosted by many of the visiting artists.

The WOMAD Foundation organises the WOMAD festival workshops as well as other educational and outreach projects. The Foundation is a registered educational charity established in 1983 and is the educational arm of the WOMAD Festival organisation. For more information on the WOMAD Foundation click on the ‘WOMAD Foundation’ button on the right.

Smithsonian Folklife Festival

3 август, 2007

2008 Smithsonian Folklife Festival
Information on two of our upcoming programs for the 2008 Smithsonian Folklife Festival

Smithsonian Global Sound

Smithsonian Global Sound

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Folkways Collection Podcast
The Folkways Collection Podcast
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Smithsonian Folklife Festival Flickr Project
Folklife Festival Flickr Project
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Dewey Balfa, National Heritage Fellow

NEA National Heritage Fellows
Discover the many National Heritage Fellows on Smithsonian Global Sound.